Accurate quotes can be given on request as prices may vary depending on breed, size, coat condition & grooming needs. All Grooms include a full health check.
Bath (Nail Clip, Bath & Brush out, Teeth cleaned, Furmination):

Bath & Brush Plus (Nail Clip, Teeth cleaned, Bath & Brush out, Coat trimmed around Face/eyes & Feet only):

A Puppy Pamper includes everything in the Bath & Brush Plus so prices are similar. The Puppy Pamper is a great way to get your pups used to our grooming environment including all the things they will experience like hairdrying & clippers.
The benefit to this is that when they become adults they love their Shampooches grooming experience as they know it’s going to be stress-free. I will take my time during your puppies first visit to make sure you both leave feeling confident & comfortable. At Shampooches your puppies are always in safe hands.
Full Groom (Nail clip, Teeth cleaned, Bath and Brush out, Scissor/clip to owners request)